• Are you working in the medical billing and coding industry and have struggled to interpret your provider’s medical documentation?

  • Are you hoping to one day study to become a certified medical biller and coder and want to begin learning the language of medical documentation often used in the industry?

  • Are you brand new to medical billing and coding wanting to gain some introductory knowledge to help you decide if this industry is right for you?

  • Are you a patient trying to interpret the phrases and terms used in your medical chart?

If you said YES to any of these questions then our Medical Terminology for Billing & Coding mini-course is for you!

This mini-course will teach you the medical terms you will need for a career in the medical billing and coding industry. It includes pre-recorded lessons, drills & worksheets, and quizzes to assess your learning.  After completing this mini-course, you will be more comfortable understanding commonly used terms in medical documentation and receive a certificate of completion.

What's Included?

You will gain access to the following features:

  • Recorded lessons by certified coders & billers

  • Hands-on weekly drills & assignments

  • Lifetime access to the program

  • Hands-on drills & study materials

  • Quizzes & final assessment to test your learning

  • Certificate of Completion

Bonus Features

Your investment includes the following bonuses

  • Fun Study Material

    Online study resources and games to help you retain the information in a fun, engaging way

  • Community

    Access to the Private Support Group dedicated to folks pursuing their certification

Are you ready?

Get started today for only $59

Course Instructor

Senior Instructor Kari Aguilar